Extra Dippy


The star of the Natural History Museum of London, Diplodocus skeleton cast affectionately known as Dippy, might lose its central spot in the main hall that is being revamped and renamed “Hintze Hall” in recognition of an unprecedented donation of £5 million …. Read more here and here




This is my response to Weekly Photo Challenge: Extra, Extra



58 Comments on “Extra Dippy

  1. Gosh, Dippy can’t donate enough money to compete for the naming rights! That hardly seems fair. 🙂 What a gorgeous building and I like the vantage point for your shot.



    • You are right Janet. I think that the idea to move him to some less conspicuous spot is dippy too.


  2. A fresh perspective of this well known place, that really makes this image different and interesting 🙂
    Enjoyed the music too 🙂


    • He has to be placed somewhere safe, but still it would be a shame if they permanently relocate him from this central atrium 😦


  3. If this fellow lived in London nowadays – it would have serious problems about the traffic… 😎 😎

    Very well captured… 🙂


  4. Oh well, money talks. It would be a shame to see such an icon moved to a less conspicuous place.
    Nice shot Paula. Have a wonderful weekend.


  5. Pingback: Apropos clouds | Words & Pics

  6. Looks to me like he’s searching for a new home, Paula 😦 Poor chap!
    Love your photo 🙂 A peaceful weekend for you?


    • Thank you, Jo. I am trying to avoid computers and gadgets this weekend, or least minimise the use of them… Hope you are fine.


          • Aah! That’s a different story 😦 Go and do something relaxing. Hopefully the football crowds have dispersed and you can take a gentle stroll or sit in the park with a book? Too hot? A cool drink somewhere? I can feel your frustration, Paula.


            • You are very sweet Jo. I don’t mind supporters, but the gambling companies and beer industry have put awful live music that plays in front of the building from 8am to 1 am every day without breaks :(. I would go out but my mounthly worries are too severe this time.


                • I will visit you soon Jo. I hope you will excuse me for tomorrow. The week to come will be extremely busy and I will have a post for you ready on the 23rd only. 😦


                  • Of course- no hurry! I’ve just returned to the laptop. In England it is ‘Father’s Day’. Normally I cook Sunday lunch at home but Dad was going out for a family meal and we joined him. It was a nice change as I seldom see my step-brother and his family.
                    Come and visit whenever you can, Paula. There is NO pressure from me. 🙂


  7. Oh no! How can they think about moving Dippy?!? I always enjoy practically any type of museum and this one is quite fantastic I expect.


    • This is upsetting news for many. How have you been Phil? I haven’t seen you over here for a while.


  8. It will be the end of an era, if they move Dippy from pride of place. I hope they don’t, but I fear they will. I’m a great believer in that old saying ” If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Dippy is my favourite exhibit of all time.


    • I expected you to say that, and regardless of how generous and welcome this contribution is I would like so much for the museum to find some other way to honour the benefactors. Thank you dear Sylvia for your visit and kind comment.


      • You’re welcome, Paula. If I were fortunate enough to be able to donate so much money to such an institution, I wouldn’t want a big fuss and fanfare about it.
        btw…..I enjoyed that Rocky song. 🙂


  9. Poor Dippy. He will surely miss his grand surroundings 😦 Do be sure to update us with a new photo if he does get moved.


  10. What a wonderful perspective, Paula…the architecture of the building and Dippy fits together perfectly!
    And I really hope Dippy won’t end up getting closer and closer to the door…


    • I really can’t understand why they need to refurbish and revamp this perfectly harmonious space, but money talks!! Pleasure to have you here dear Ese 🙂


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