My Slovenian Adventure

We all have our ideas of adventure. For some it implies adrenaline rush activities; for me it is exploring new places and a close contact with nature. This particular trip was an adrenaline booster for me too: walking on wobbly little bridges above a mountainous river loaded with camera and lenses, stepping on slippery stones in a gorge and finding my way through a dark cave to be rewarded with a spectacular view of Kozjak waterfall. The bellow gallery showcases the highlights of my recent trip to Slovenia.


Nobody is indifferent to turquoise waters of Soča

Nobody is indifferent to turquoise waters of Soča


Misty Soča

Misty Soča


A wobbly bridge on Soča River

A wobbly bridge on Soča River


April - nature's abundance (Kozjak waterfall)

April – nature’s abundance (Kozjak waterfall)


This is my response to Weekly Photo Challenge: Adventure.

51 Comments on “My Slovenian Adventure

  1. A few years ago I would have agreed with you about the blogging. But when you get more and more followers, it becomes impossible to comment on everything you like. It simply takes to much time. So I use the like-buttons to let other bloggers know that I appreciate their post more than average; and I comment the special ones. So, not everyone that hits a like-button is uninterested. Fine series, by the way! 🙂


    • Thank you very much 🙂 I know what you mean, and I see your point, but I am sticking to my practice, though it is hard work to regularly follow, visit and comment on my favourite blogs.


  2. paula I am smiling very much that we are both choosing Slovenia as our theme for adventure. Kindred spirits? 🙂 These are beautiful photos of a country we absolutely adored.


    • Yes, Charlie. It was a short but a wonderful trip, a kind of spur of the moment thing 😉 The nature in Slovenia always calms me and excites me at the same time.


  3. Absolutly wonderful captures – wondering about your knees shook… 😀 😀

    I just love the color of the water – this beautiful river just calls for a sweaty bathing duck… 😀


    • The Drake would be very happy there. I usually edit and sometimes over-edit my photos, but this time they are straight out of camera – nature at its best and purest. Many thanks Drake 🙂


  4. Pingback: Photo Challenge: Adventure! | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice

  5. You must have a wonderful library of photos, Paula ! – lucky us ! 🙂 And as Anna says, “nonchè corragiose” !! 🙂


  6. Such a wonderful country, full of delights. On my first visit I had an adventure with a Slovenian taxi driver, a Frenchwoman (in charge and paying for the trip), a Rumanian American and myself. The Frenchwoman spoke French, the American spoke German and some Italian, I spoke English, French and some German and Italian, the taxi driver spoke Serbo-Croat and some Austrian and Italian. We fetched up in heavy mist in the middle of a forest where the road came to a halt and there was nothing but an unmanned JCB in the path. We saw an awful lot of the country in one day and the American and I had uncontrollable giggles by the end.


    • 😀 I can only imagine 😀 Slovenia is not a big country so I am not surprised that you covered most of it in one day.


  7. I’m going to have to stop following your blog! You keep on showing me places I didn’t see during my recent travels, beautiful places, beautifully photographed. I’m torn between saying “thank you” and shrieking “Oh, no. Why didn’t I go there?”

    I think my main adventure was actually organising my own journey, and making it all happen by myself.


    • Yes, it certainly was, and you got to see a lot in a few days that you allocated for individual countries. You know Meg, I have the same type of reaction when I realise I might have missed something that I think I would have enjoyed. Life is a constant yearning…


  8. Pingback: Can’t do… without… | Words & Pics

  9. Pingback: Behind the Mirror [PHOTO CHALLENGE] | Ramisa the Authoress

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