Absolute Beauty


We all like to use the word absolute, but there is nothing absolute in this world.

There is no absolute truth and equally no absolute beauty.

Nobody is absolutely right or wrong.

Our eyesight may not be absolutely correct (well except for those with 20/20 vision), and even if we make it more reliable with eyeglasses and contact lenses it does not guarantee that the image we project in our brain is an accurate image of the subject in front of us.

This is a realistic point of view.

If we are allowed a subjective point of view, human beings as we are we can’t have it any other way, the “truth” would be different.

We are so full of absolutes:


“I have had the absolutely worst day”. (Have you heard that before?)



“He is an absolute genius!”  (Many have exclaimed upon seeing Michelangelo’s design of the  Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome).


“What an absolutely stunning landscape!” (I have received a comment like that more than once).



“You are absolutely gorgeous” (I bet that she has heard that one before).

Lady Chatterley

So, where is the truth? Are we looking for the absolute truth? I wish we could find it as that would be absolutely beautiful.

The photos used in this short response to daily writing prompt were published before on this blog.

Isn’t my Lady Chatterley an absolute beauty? 😀 😉


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41 Comments on “Absolute Beauty

  1. The only true absolutes are abstract and unreachable (black, round, infinity, nothing etc). but if we aim to find absolutes, we may get some very convincing approximations. Even the geniuses of art didn’t reach the perfection they pursued. But they got to be very good!
    Have a near-perfect day Paula!


    • Thank you girlfriend 😀 ;). Just the other day I thought about your comment you have left once about quality interaction on blogs – and here you are with another meaningful thing to say. I am glad to see you here, and my day will be near-perfect if the repair people manage to save my camera – otherwise I will have to stop shooting and start writing – this was just a short exercise 😀 Have a good one GF, and thank you really.


  2. La realtà ha altrettante sfaccettature quante sono le persone che la guardano………
    E’ cosi anche per la verità ?

    Interessantissimo tema!


  3. Paula I confess that I use absolutely not in the literal sense but as an exclamation mark in my language. I’m afraid i am a terrible rule breaker.


    • Oh my dear Jo, they are still looking into it. Haven’t started before 7pm tonight (Croatian relaxed way of doing business). I think it will be another sleepless night for me. How are you?


      • Good thanks! WP just informed me that I started blogging 3 years ago today. Where did that go? I considered a celebratory drink but opted for chocolate instead. 🙂


        • Can I offer you some nice Macedonian wine (Vranac)? It’s quite a milestone and you should celebrate with a bang. Congratulations, Jo. Is there an anniversary post marking the occasion?


          • That would be so nice, thanks Paula. I was offered caiphiroska by the charming Portuguese ladies who are our next door neighbours but opted for champagne and white wine with lemon- very delicious. I’m not usually so fancy. They may be very disappointed when they come to ours 🙂
            I hadn’t thought of an anniversary post. More likely to be Gibraltar 🙂


            • Gibraltar – I wanted to go there. Still do. Have you been to Seychelles? I’ve been checking out some travel sites and it would cost us less than going to Scotland or Ireland. I’d like to do some snorkeling. We’ve been robbed of summer here this year.


              • Isn’t climate weird right now? No, I haven’t been anywhere exotic like that. You should go and report back. It’s cold in Scotland and wet in Ireland. Wet in the Seychelles too but somewhat different. 🙂


  4. You are absolutely right – in my subjective opinion that is. Of course the truth of absolutism is as volatile as anything that human beings try to pinpoint – and has been a course of philosophical discussion since the beginning of philosophy. But personally I think there is no such thing as an absolute truth. But of course I still use the word like you have exemplified here. Great post with great images.


  5. I love the way your mind works. Your take on themes is always eccentric in the true meaning of the word – off centre, and very individual. “Absolutely stunning” about your photos is in fact a possible description. Your Lady Chatterley doll has given me an absolutely different perspective on her character: butter absolutely wouldn’t melt in her mouth!


    • 🙂 Meg, thank you for this analysis. I am grateful that my posts have provoked these careful thoughts. Yes, she is quite innocent looking, and I adore her 😀


  6. Lots of talk about kissing frogs which so transforms into handsome princes,
    wonder what this blue fellow with yellow spots transforms into – did you kissed it… 😀

    No doubt, Michelangelo really was a genius… 🙂

    Lady Chatterley is a beauty, can’t help asking where is Oliver Mellors the gamekeeper..? 😀 😀 😀

    Very well captured photos – it’s a truth – talking truth so I believe “they” will always be subjective – coz the truth depends of where we stands – if we ‘move’ a bit so do our truth too – often very often our truth change during life … 🙂


  7. People say in “absolute” sense base on their standards. Nothing is perfect …. but there’s perfect in my sets of standards.


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