Thursday’s Special: Swarm – Photo 101



This month I am combining my Thursday’s Special event with the #photo101 assignment for that day. I will be happy, if you join me. Remember, for my event you can come up with your own special theme.

There you can also read what I think of their choice of the theme for today. I committed to do it, to post every day and to combine it with my event. I apologise to everybody who might get frustrated while looking for something swarmy to post today.




This week’s TS entries are: 


Debbie’s Financial Times

Tish’s Swarm

Patricia’s boys watching the swarm

 Meg’s Magpie

 Amanda’s swarm 

Cardinal’s Big City 

87 Comments on “Thursday’s Special: Swarm – Photo 101

    • Thanks a lot. I wrote on Commons platform what I think of today’s theme. Yours was the only entry I could see, other links don’t work for me from work. Despite the fact that I was equipped for the swarm, I had to say there what I think of this theme for today.


        • Seen it, thanks. Those are nice saves, and it must sound odd that I am the one to object cause my post is within the theme, but I need to point out when I see something I do not find right. I said it all there and will not repeat myself. Language/words are my domain and I have a say. I bet that Miss Cheri will not reply!


  1. It’s amazing how they do this, isn’t it? I read the reasons why somewhere but I can’t quite remember. Nicely building drama to the music, too. Happy Thursday, Paula! 🙂


  2. Great shot Paula. Looks and sounds like it’s the start of some great horror book or movie. 😆


      • Thank you, Sophia. I know you understand. Our health care system is very slow here. I will do some bloodwork privately tomorrow, and then see what’s next. Hugs (they never replied to you! Those idiots)

        Liked by 1 person

        • You’re welcome hon and I do understand. That is not good to hear and I do hope they get the problem and that you will be 110% healthy in no time. 😀

          Nope, I am just being ignored. Guess they’re way too important to give poor, little me access to their blog. Now they can shove it. 😆


                • Maybe that’s why I am being refused ‘entry’. Mine won’t be good or grand enough. 😆


                  • 😆 they want people to suck.up to them. I’ll copy now for you the comment I.left them on Commons today about swarm. Here: ” Before I address anybody in my critique about the choice of today’s theme (though it seems that the participants are OK with it) I would like to know who stands behind it Cheri or Michelle. I have a limited access to this platform at the moment. The shot of bikers is a lucky find and it works well for swarm. However, when proposing a theme for the challenge one must think outside their own shots and take others into consideration. You want beginner photographers (photo 101!!!) encouraged, not frustrated. Also I hope that when you set a theme you would like people to give something that should fit the theme. You also said a group of inanimate objects is fine too (but they have to suggest swarm) – why don’t make everybody’s life easier and more fair and call it multitude????”

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • Well said Paula and it’s a good thing then that I never registered. I don’t suck up to anyone and well, most know it. I am honest but they won’t like my honesty. 😆

                      So, you ever got an answer back?


                    • Nope, Cardinal tried to convince me it is OK; a lady blogger from India said I was.right. Neither of the initiators answered and no other members commented on my comment. You know what I think- most people are superficial or stupid or just don’t care.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Oh my. That doesn’t sound at all like fun for you, especially if you’re feeling the way you do hon. Things like that is just not worth it and they’re not worth that you upset yourself over their stupidity and self-importance. You are way better than they are and so is your stunning photography. ♥


                    • I don’t think that I am better than some orher bloggers, but sucking up.and “teaming” with the WP team is bellow me 😀

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • The reason why I entered it was to meet other bloggers interested in photography and to widen my horizons. I never expected to learn anything in their “course”.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • hahahahah! I know what you mean and I learned that lesson very well too. That’s when I decided that I’ll make photography fun and not a competition. I don’t ask anyone for an opinion and don’t want any because it is what I enjoy. It’s a hobby and there are lots of websites on the internet where you can learn without having to suck up to anyone or being critisized. This is one of the best of the lot:


      • Oh my dear! Do you need a nurture from the southern hemisphere? May the fever head off into outer space soon. I can understand your irritations. Can’t you uncommit? Challenges are obviously challenging in more ways than one.


    • 🙂 Don’t say that, Tish. I really appreciate your entry Tish and I love the photo 🙂 It has moodiness in it and great light reflected on buildings. Thank you so much.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Excellent shot for the theme and I got inspired to post for this challenge too… 🙂

    Let me post an image similar to this 🙂 Copy Right not violated 🙂


  4. Great music playing to your swarm, Paula. I do hope you’re feeling better soon.
    *KLEM*, Dina (feeling a little aaaiii herself …)


  5. I like your blog and your Thursday special. My entry is in the nature vein too. I hope to regularly contribute here. Thanks for a fun challenge, (liberating as well)


    • Si, hai raggione Renzo. Io non ho possuto vedere il problema – erano piccioni credo, nel comune di Monteriggioni.


  6. Dai non è detto che sia una presenza del tutto sinistra :-)… in fondo tra quelle nuvole c’è qualche barlume di sole 🙂

    Paula ti auguro una buona giornata… a presto!


  7. Wow, you´ve been very busy and added some great shots, like the scary dark feel to this one a lot!
    Hope all is great with you?
    Greetings, Ron


    • I’m doing better now (have had hand problems). I am glad to hear you had fun travelling Ron. November was busy here with photo101 challenge ;). I have some posts I am proud of 😀 (warm, nature, glass, landscape, triumph ;))


      • Oh, that doesnt sound good, computer work related? Glad its going better!
        Thanks for pointing out the ´proud´ ones, i like landscape, elegance a lot, triumph is well done and funny too 😉


        • Thanks a bunch for checking them out Ron 🙂 Yes, the hand is all computer-related. When I am being spared at work and acting sensibly it is manageable. Thank you.


  8. Pingback: Photography 101: Swarm | Santiago the Shepherd

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