Black & White Sunday: City




If you want to join my Black and White Sunday, feel free to grab the widget bellow and post a photo (or several of them) for this or some other theme of your choice. Just make sure it is black & white and link it to this post.




It is the last day of November today and I have an early Christmas gift for all those interested in taking part in B&W Sunday and Thursday’s Special and following the theme. You are of course aware that theme is optional (you can go with your own theme ALWAYS).

Since both Christmas and the New Year fall on a Thursday, we’ll skip these two dates. Here is the schedule of posts with the corresponding themes for this December: 

2014/12/4  –   Young (Thursday’s Special)

2014/12/7  –    Panorama (Black &White Sunday)

2014/12/11 –   Imperfection (Thursday’s Special)

2014/12/14 –  Flow (Black & White Sunday)

2014/12/18 –  Sunset (Thursday’s Special)

2014/12/21 –  Night (Black & White Sunday)

2014/12/28 – Wish (Black & White Sunday)


Please check the cool contributions to Black & White Sunday. Click on the links bellow:  

61 Comments on “Black & White Sunday: City

  1. I love the absolute sharpness of this image, and the way the lines converge on the clock tower. You always know just what perspective will work best. The balance is perfect – and so is the sky. I think I’m a bit of a sky tragic.

    On the subject of your outline for December: How can you possibly be this organised? Do you give lessons? I’m still trying to catch up with the last two weeks!


    • 🙂 the pic was taken from the London Eye in the rain. The cabin had rain on it, but I found a clear patch.of glass when I squatted ;). I needed to schedule themes to decrease stress in my life. I still have to work on a few shots. Thank you, Meg for everything.


  2. Great shot of a drab looking London, Paula.

    You’re staying open over Christmas? I’m already in a mild state of distress and running out of time. 🙂 Interesting to see your theme list though.


    • Oh, as usual you are going to close down for weeks, right? I have only three days free from work (December 25 and 26 and the New Year) and I will be working my ass off for the remaining days. Hope you will say goodbye before you disappear 😀


      • You know me better then you think. Sometimes, the best way to create free time when there is none, is to change your schedule, and stopping blogging creates a lot of free time.

        So I will answer your question. Yes, and sooner then you think. When John Lennon appears on my blog, you’ll know. 🙂


    • Thank you, Sue. I wish we had had more time to see it, but I chose an organised tour cause of Stonehenge, Oxford and Blenheim, and we skipped Hampton Court to enjoy London by ourselves for a day without guide. Still, densely packed tours make memories more condensed too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Ese, it had to be winter to find this stillness in Florence 🙂 I am touched that you had chosen it for this Sunday. I was there only this October. Have a great week my dear!


    • Dear Colline, I am so happy to see you. I don’t know what happened to your message that you left yesterday, but I did not get any notification. Recently I have introduced “comments approval” feature to avoid missing messages :S. This is a fun and creative entry, and I love it 🙂 Thank you so much – it looks pretty cool in b&w!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I do the comments approval thing too Paula so that I can be sure I reply to everyone’s comment. Helps to make thing a little easier for me 🙂


    • Wonderful, it looks really advanced to be teaching them on skeleton at such an early age 🙂 I am impressed with their reconstruction Colline. This has made me smile. Thank you! I hope you will be free for a few weeks over holidays. I will be busy (un)fortunately … I should be happy to still have my job, so I shouldn’t complain. I have had some pains/spasms in my right hand lately (cause of computer) and have tried not to use it at home or very little. I am afraid it could get worse and cost me any job. (I am telling you all this to explain my time off sometimes, or scarce visits).

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I would like to join in on your December challenges. Is the url I use to link to your post the one at the top of this post? (I’m viewing in the Reader).


    • Joy honey, I am sorry but I am not sure what you are asking. I don’t know what url shows up in the Reader. When you link to a specific challenge /post, you link to that post. If you join on Thursday you link to the post I published that Thursday. Don’t worry, you can ask me then and I will give you all the info you need. *hugs*

      Liked by 1 person

    • Suzanne, thank you for this entry… I have been thinking about Cappadocia for years. I have chosen your last photo from the post to display above. I hope you approve? 🙂


      • Of course I approve. Cappadocia is a magical place – like nowhere else on earth really. 🙂


  4. Three days off isn’t much, Paula! Do you ever get to spend Christmas with your Mum?
    I’ll try to rise to the challenge somewhere along the way. 🙂


    • Yes, of course, I spend my Christmas with my Mum when she wants it and if she has time, I also have my husband’s mother and I never neglect my family Jo

      Liked by 1 person

    • 😀 That’s a good point, Hilary and one that makes me feel rather content 😀 Happy to hear your news….. Congratulations again!


  5. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Young | Lost in Translation

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