
creepy strbske-1_potpis



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61 Comments on “Creepy

    • 😀 I know you won’t believe me, and yes there was a fair amount of edit, but this house, and setting really looked creepy and was in this colour scheme I just accentuated dark contrasts. Happy to be inspiring 😀


  1. It’s got it all: the turret, the dim lights, the boulders – but it’s the sky that’s really creepy. It reminds me again how good you are with skies.


  2. What a gorgeous house! I love the dark clouds behind it and the lights giving of just a hint of mystery. Excellent shot Paula. I love it! 😀


      • You’re welcome sweetness. No complaints this side, thanks for asking. How are you? 😀


          • Oh no! So sorry to hear that. If you didn’t bump it somewhere, you might have twisted it the wrong way and now there’s a fluid build-up. I do hope it will get better real soon sweets. Best wishes for you. ♥


            • Thank you, Sophia. I hope I’ll see some doctors soon for diagnosis and treatment. I’m really down now.


              • I sure hope so too Paula and I don’t blame you. Take care of yourself sweetie. ♥ Hugs ♥


  3. Creepy indeed! I imagine a mad professor studying you-don’t-want-to-know-what in the basement…


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