Black & White Sunday: Summertime

When we think of summer, we think of it in colours, mostly blue and green, and all those bright and lively colours that can be seen on funny clothes, bathing suits and sun umbrellas, but what does summer look like when it is stripped of colour? Join the challenge and find out….



beach moving-1_potpis

Beach moving

floating together-1_potpis

Floating together

catching willy-1_potpis

Catching Willy

not quite ready to leave-1_potpis

Lingering longingly

It was a good day for some.


Click on the titles bellow to see the entries to this challenge:

Summertime by Susan Judd

Summertime by Sonya

Summer harvest by Debbie

Summertime by Klara

Summertime by DM

Summertime by Brenda

Summertime by Marilyn

Grazing horses in B&W


Summertime by Lynne

70 Comments on “Black & White Sunday: Summertime

  1. Pingback: Summer Harvest | Travel with Intent

  2. The B&W gives these a timeless feel – could be a holiday from many years ago, though the final shot looks much more modern. I’m not sure if that’s because of the fashion or the light.
    But it looks a good day whatever! Happy Sunday Paula


  3. Great summer shots Paula. I like the particular sharpness of the last two, and their emotional content. The last one expresses my granddaughter’s cry when she returned from Slovakia: “Want to go back to the holiday”! The figure is drawing in the site (and sight) of a great day. The Willy one expresses thoughtful anticipation, and it’s full of contrasting textures and dark-and-light.


    • This is interesting Klara. I thought that you were very comfortable in B&W. So much so that I considered asking you to host a B&W photo challenge sometime 🙂 Please, feel free to get in touch if you are interested.


      • will think about it Paula. as you have noticed I am more ‘all action(photo), no talk’ than the other way round which is a bit of a problem for hosting. but, you never know, I might get inspired. we are in touch, so I’ll let you know.


        • Take your time and thank you. Btw, there are guests that I like a lot that don’t talk much. One sentence is all we need. If the photo is good, who the hell needs text, right? If you want you may choose a tune and I would upload it for you 😀


          • 😉 sure. we’ll talk about it. for starters, I am off for summer holidays. I hope weather on the coast is getting better.


  4. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Summertime | Middleton Road

  5. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Summertime | WordsVisual

  6. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Summertime | A Day In The Life

  7. Pingback: black & white sunday: summertime | A Meditative Journey with Saldage


  9. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : On the Waterfront, Bristol | restlessjo

  10. I popped by yesterday but didn’t stop to chat. I knew I would be linking belatedly to your Sculpture and intended to convert a photo for Summertime too, but I ran out of time… steam… sorry! Hope you recover soon 🙂 🙂


  11. Pingback: Grazing Horses in B&W | artishorseshit

  12. Pingback: Summertime | Beyond the Brush Photography

  13. Pingback: Perfect Day on the Fringe | litadoolan

  14. Very nice shots, Paula. I love ‘Floating together’. It’s a lovely moment captured in all its beauty and innocence. 🙂


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