Miss Dolly-verse



“Perhaps only people who are capable of real togetherness have that look of being alone in the universe."

Constance (aka Lady Chatterley)

January - new beginning

Jane (Eyre)

Estella breaking free

Estella (Great Expectations)


Kate: "Give me your word of honour that you are not in love with her memory."

Kate (The Wings of the Dove)


Laura (U registraturi)

Milly: "Do I look like I can climb a church scaffold?"

Milly (The Wings of the Dove)




Maggie Verver: "I want happiness without a hole in it! I want the bowl without the crack!"

Maggie Verver (The Golden Bowl)

Emma Bovary

Emma Bovary
















Personal note: I’ve been away for three months now due to a knee injury and though I am not my old self yet (and still don’t know when I’ll be) I’ve realised I can’t stay away from blogging.

My heartfelt thanks go to my blogger friends that have been keeping their eye on me during all this time. I’ve missed you too.

About this post: Here is a selection of some old photos of my favourite dolls (representations of famous female literary characters), but this time you have a chance to vote for the most beautiful girl. Please, give your vote for the one you find the most fascinating, or for the best photographed one. (For better view click on the photos to zoom in)

 (I’ll be back regularly again as scheduled for challenges and other posts) see Scheduled challenges page.


64 Comments on “Miss Dolly-verse

  1. Oh Paula, how wonderful to have you back. I’m sorry you’re not back to normal after your injury, but it’s great to see you here.
    And it was very hard to choose just one photo from this selection.
    I’m so looking forward to joining your challenges again


  2. You’re back! Yay! I’m almost tempted to say “welcome home” (but considerung this is only the web, that’d be too much). Good luck continuing your endeavors!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes! I have been keeping a eye out for you. Glad to see you still kicking around (with the good leg, that is 😀 ). You’ll be back to your old self or maybe a new and improved self in no time. Missed you.


  4. Coucou Paula, je suis désolée de ce qui t’est arrivé, et contente que tu reviennes bloguer ! Je suis de passage et je te souhaite un bon rétablissement. Je vais voter pour tes poupées, mais c’est difficile parce qu’elles sont toutes belles et bien photographiées.
    Prends soin de toi, je t’embrasse.


  5. hola chica, welcome back. sorry to hear it takes so long (knees are highly delicate parts of the body), I hope you will become your old self as soon as possible


      • don’t ask :-), I have no new photos these days – everything pulled out of archives (ok, rainy weather doesn’t help to go out).


        • Well, it may be the time to try something new like studio photography. This is what I have been doing for the past 10 days 😀 .- just shooting still life photos and similar. I still can’t go out to shoot – can’t (should not) walk long just 2 km a day.


          • exactly- studio photography or such :-). I am trying to figure out what is wrong with my (borrowed 🙂 studio equipment (soft box and flash) – batteries or something else ;-). btw. what on earth did you do to injure your knee that badly? I thought it would be a short break for both of us – me summer holidays in September, you some light injury at the same time. and then, no sign of you, and no sign of you, and no sign of you… really glad you are back 😉


            • I have a light box but no flash. I did Pilates Reformer, mind you, but it was bound to happen and I think it started before that. Orthopedists have a vague diagnosis chondromalacia patella which is knee softening, but the MR showed that my cartilage is in a decent condition for my age, so the problem is somewhere else. Now I am seeing a physio who does spine manipulation and he is trying to locate the nerve that has shortened my left quadriceps and is making pressure on the kneecap. I can’t climb stairs or go downstairs and it can be a bit embarrassing when in business meetings in old buildings. The worst thing about this condition is that it can take from 6 months to 2 years :(. Some claim that there are people that never get better. I have been through many ups and downs in the past three months, but I never stopped fighting. Klara, thank you for your warm welcome. It means a lot, and I promise I will get well and very active. P.S. I am looking forward to seeing your studio work… there are so many possibilities with anything from odd looking bottles to dead flowers.


  6. Oi menina! U r back. Je suis tres content!🎆🎇🎋🎉🎊🎈🎄i was just about to e-mail you for frsh news. Bemvinda. We missed you! 😉☺️😊😄😀😃 i’ll vote later onyour lovely dolls. Bz bjo e abco
    Brian 😎🇫🇷


      • Sitting ovations are better for your knee. 😉
        Ça me fait plaisir que ça te fasse plaisir. En vérité, je commençais à m’inquiéter. J’espère sincèrement que ton genou va mieux. Et… il faut faire de la rééducation. C’est indispensable, même si c’est ch… ennuyeux. Até…


  7. Ooohoo! You’re back. There’s been a particular emptiness, especially on Sundays and Thursdays. Keep recuperating: 2 km a day sounds like a good bit of a life back – it’s about what I do with full use of knee. I chose Estelle, because I like the background, her face and minimal glamour!


    • 🙂 It was about time someone chooses Estelle 🙂 Thank you, dear Meg. I will do everything to recover though it may take a while. Not being able to travel or make short trips makes life a bit hard, but it is winter now….


  8. Interesting who gets the most votes. Flaubert wins over Zola. As I said my dear friend, I/we are so happy to have you back.
    Knees are complicated affairs, but I’m sure you are on the right track. Are you taking rehab? You must. Pool/water is also a very good way to healing.
    Bienvenue, tu nous a manqué.
    A bientôt.
    (keep hopping)


    • Ce n’est pas juste que Nana n’aie aucun vote. Je croyais qu’elle serait vainqueuse 😀 You mean hoping, right? I don’t think you want me hopping just yet 😀 😉 Gracias Brian pour cette bienvenue chaleureuse

      Liked by 1 person

      • J’ai beaucoup hésité pour Nana. Et j’ai choisi Constance. pas de “chance” non plus. 🙂 No, I did mean “hopping”. And Hoping. Thing with this kind of accident is you have to move, one step at a time, following doctor’s orders, but you do have to move. The move to reblog was great. 🙂


  9. Welcome back Paula and sorry to hear you are still not feeling well. Best wishes for you and I really hope that you heal very soon. 😀

    I just love your dolls. They are all so gorgeous that it was really difficult choosing a favourite.

    Take care and be well. ♥


    • I hope you voted for Estella cause she looks just like you (minus the cold bitch part :D). Thank you, honey for coming to greet me. Love you!

      Liked by 1 person

      • hahahah! Not at all. I voted for Jane of course and I am glad you think I am as beautiful as Estella is. The doesn’t look like the cold bitch at all. To be honest, that could be totally me when it comes to animal abuse. LOL!

        You’re very welcome. I missed your lovely posts. ♥ Love & Hugs ♥


  10. So sorry to hear about your knee injury, Paula. And so happy to see you back. I’ve been hit and miss on here myself but it’s because we just sold our home and bought another one and we’re trying to coordinate the closings. So now we’re in the packing stage. Oh, dear, what a mess! Not to mention moving 500+ miles with eight animals! HA! How can time move so fast and so slow at the same time! 😀 I pray that your knee continues healing and that you’re all well again very soon. Take care! Hugs!


  11. I collect dolls too. I have managed to cut down to around 200. I have a lot of historical figures, some like yours are characters from literature. Also some movie stars. Mostly hard plastic strung play dolls for the 1940s through 1960ish. Nice to see yours 🙂


      • Yes, I can gather them together and see what I can do. I have lights, but I would have to unearth them … haven’t used them in a while, but after the holidays are over, that sounds like a fun project! They all need dusting, too!


        • Lucky you, you have lights. I always have to improvise. I hope it will be more fun than bother to make your dolls ready for the photoshoot.


  12. Well I like the outfit Jane has – live those hues – and lady Chatterly is my fav of the post – her pose and grace is mixed with a simple beauty –
    And glad you are back my Lady…. Lady P!!
    And if your knee starts acting up we will give you some hall passes to pause and go see the blog pause nurse – ha! Xxoo


  13. G’day Paula I have just found out you are back when I found you on Jo’s post with her TS. Sorry you are not 100% yet but good to see you blogging again I will be back into the challenges after January as at the moment I am hard at work on a farm house sit and so tired by bed time I can’t get my brain engaged…


    • Hello Pauline 🙂 It is so good to see you. Thank you, dear. Just take your time and see you participating (maybe even hosting a challenge in 2016?) when you can.


      • Will give it some thought Paula but will have to wait and see how 2016 shapes up… Hope your Christmas and new year are happy occasions and here’s to a healthy 2016. 🙂


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