To whom it may concern

I have thought long and hard about the subject of the poll in my post from yesterday where I asked your opinion about little images of contributing posts from other bloggers that I display in my challenge posts.

You voted, according to the poll, 10 votes in favour of seeing little images, 3 are fine either way – whether they are posted as images or just links to others’ posts.

Some of you generously noted that I was the only blogger that included preview images of participating bloggers, that all other people just put links to others’ blogs or not even that, and I appreciated that you appreciate my effort.

When I first came up with that idea, it was spontaneous, and not calculated in any way. Let me explain – whatever I do on this page I do out of heart. This is my space. If I enclose others’ images it was never to attract more traffic to my personal space, and it was certainly never out of will (or necessity) to wear borrowed plumes.

If that were the case I would have never posted some photos of the subject matters that I hated, but they meant something to my blogger friends and I respected that – so I uploaded the little preview images on my blog to show participating bloggers that I appreciate their effort and cooperation – but never, never to make my own blog “more attractive” by posting them on my page.

Owing to some confused bloggers that misinterpreted my intentions I decided to stop publishing preview images of participating entires and as of now you will have to click on the links provided under to post to check them out on their respective blogs.



50 Comments on “To whom it may concern

  1. Thank you for taking the time to get back about the results of your survey Paula. Interesting result. It seems the small images were appreciated and I find it hard to believe that any blogger would not accept the extra mile you went to help display the contributions to your challenges as anything but generosity on your part. But I agree with your decision as I’m sure it will lighten your load, and hopefully create more peace for you.


    • Thank you very much, Pauline. If I may ask you one more thing. I have just added a P.S.S. to this post to explain how I will present contributions from my followers from now on. If you’d be so kind and read it please….


  2. Just read your PSS Paula. That will be an interesting way to display the images on a separate page and will definitely make the responses separate to your contribution. Will we send our links direct to the sub-page or send to your challenge page, as we do at the moment, and you transfer them to the sub-page?


    • You act just like you acted so far. It’s all my job :D. You see I don’t really know how to make less work for myself, but it was never really the main issue – when I am out cause of work I am out, and when I am here I want to give all of me, but having things neat and above all give tribute to my followers, and at the same time making sure to avoid any bad actions or feelings towards me is what is making me do this.


    • P.S. I’ve just sent you an email with an experimental draft to show you what I meant. Thank you if you can find the time to see the draft and get back to me.


        • It was sent to your hotmail as a draft post from wordpress requesting feedback. I made as a post for this purposes but it will be on a page.


            • Thank you for being so patient. Maybe it takes time. I sent it again so please don’t get mad if it comes twice.


              • OK it has arrived now Paula. So hope I understand it. You will be putting a list of links to each contribution to be clicked on to go to the post. Then you will have a slide show of one photo from each blogger’s post at the bottom of the page. I think that will work well and still have the visual content too. Hope it is not too much work for you.


                • Yes, there will be a list of links to participating posts, as I do at the moment whenever there is a guest photo challenge. On the separate page (which will be a subpage to Scheduled Challenges) there will be a slide show of participating photos. One per blogger. Many bloggers post multiple photos – that would really be too much work for me. On that subpage I will not include again all the links as it would consume too much space, but I would post a link to the original challenge post where there will already be links. It will be some work, but I don’t have to do it all in the same day when challenge comes out. I will have a week to assemble it and it is supposed to be ready before the next challenge come out. I plan to proceed in the same way with B&W Sunday. I was just wondering if you find the slideshow format satisfying – I decided on it cause of the space, and I don’t know if people would like to have their images displayed in this size on my blog. I don’t want to have “issues” again. People who have their heads screwed on right like you would not believe how many fussy, complicated, unappreciative and competitive persons I meet with on this medium. Thank you again, Pauline πŸ™‚


                  • I’m sorry to hear you have met up with unpleasant people Paula, especially when you go to so much trouble to present an interesting challenge. Yes I think the slide show format is good because you have the possibilities of pausing or fast forwarding. But my suggestion is to do what you think suits your style of presentation. Good luck and here’s hoping you just get lots of positive vibes.


                    • Thanks for all the feedback and most of all for being understanding and giving valuable advice. It will probably change in time, but I will never know how bloggers will react to it, if I don’t try it out.

                      Liked by 1 person

                  • It is now 10-30 and my bed time so after this interesting chat with you I will say “goodnight, sleep tight, and have a happy weekend”


  3. Paula I am so sorry to read this post and see how you are feeling. To me, someone who hosts a challenge has gone so far out of there way, and to post the photos of bloggers I always felt was above and beyond- such a nice thing for you to take the time to do. I have always felt blogging is a place to keep it positive, to encourage others, to know we all share something in common and appreciate others. I hope moving forward things will be more positive for you. Your photos and sharing have added something wonderful to my blogging experience. ❀


    • Thank you kindly DM. I think that maybe I have found a better way to present the participating entries. Yes, it has caused some less than pleasant experiences. I always find a new way. I hope you will like what I’ll use to replace them. I am so sorry if I am letting you down in any way. It’s always good people that suffer for the fault of creeps, as in life. xx


      • You are not letting me down at all Paula!!!! One of the things I love about the blogging community is having only the expectation of seeing what someone has shared. The ideas, the photos. I am happy to participate in whatever way you set up your challenges. Again I will say you have made me think and stretched my imagination, and I have nothing but gratitude for that my friend. πŸ’–


    • I second these comments from Daily Musings. In fact, Paula, your challenges have been very enriching for me altogether, and inspired me to write posts I probably would not have otherwise thought of. I’ve also derived much pleasure from looking at your own photographic interpretations of your themes. I’m sure you have helped many of us to look at things with fresh eyes.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you, Tish. I hope that finding a new way to present participating photos would not affect that. I will start posting them on a new page next week, and you will be able to give me your opinion that always matters. Thank you.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. As I said yesterday: I’m fine with links and no small previews at all. It’s a lot of work just to resize, down- & upload the photos and put them in post. I wouldn’t do it in my own blog, because of all the work. Links are good! πŸ˜€
    Have a wonderful weekend Paula!


      • The Cardinal is right Paula. Much as I have appreciated seeing the previews on your blog I also understand how much work that must involve. With my bench challenge I (as does the Cardinal) posted links to other contributions and even then I selected only a few of the posts to highlight trying to direct people to new bloggers in particular. CG posts ALL the links so he goes a step further than I did. In my new challenge I have opted not to post any links, but request that anyone visiting reads through the comments and visits any links posted there. At the end of the day, Paula, you have to enjoy what you are doing and it seems to me that at the moment you are not. To be honest if I were you I’d forget about the separate page and the images. Post your photo(s) for the challenge and leave us to find the links. Those of us who enjoy the challenge will. Those who don’t can go elsewhere.
        Have a good (relaxing) weekend and a happy birthday to you – my youngest granddaughter turned one year today and my eldest son has his birthday tomorrow – so celebrations all round!!
        Jude xx


        • So you have a lot of Aquarians around you πŸ™‚ Thank you for your more than welcome and wise advice Jude. I need to find a way to make things easier. Reading your thoughts on the issue will help me a lot. Thank you and have a great time with your family. Paula xx


  5. Paula, I would not even have started to think you needed other peoples’ pictures to make your page more attractive; I saw the previews as nothing but a nice and convenient feature, a bow to your readers and contributors. Sometimes people amaze me. Keep up your excellent work, don’t be discouraged! (Whoever does not like it here is free to leave … there are no obligations, on noone’s side.)


  6. A very interesting problem. It never occurred to me that someone could think that small images are integral part of your challenge and examples of your interpretation. As for the people who comment on the images that are the answer to your challenge and not comment on your picture and idea you should not feel offended because you can not expect that all people are decent, and even politely raised.
    I welcome your decision to separate responses from challenge page. (a cleaner look)
    I would also remove the possibility of commenting on that page. (to force people to comment on pictures origin page)


    • Thank you, and thank you for a great suggestion. The problem is that I have been doing this since September 2014, and though there are a few very appreciative people, there are many that don’t care and even offend me in the way I illustrated above. I just sometimes feel like a fool going that extra mile and finding ways to please people. I just want them to know that I am not doing this to attract traffic which I don’t give a $it about, that I do that to thank them and to honour their entries. Sometimes I even went against some of my principles of decency and good taste by displaying some of their photos – it pained me a lot, and then the idea that someone else might think that a photo I never approved of was taken by me, was a bit too much. On the other hand, people get lazy in their expectations, by taking things for granted, not appreciating and I am getting really sick of that. When you suddenly get sick and find your basic life to be a burden, cause of pains that an excessive use of computer only aggravates, doing all this and not been appreciated for, but even accused to try to take credit for other’s work just makes me want to close the whole thing, but then I remember I have started this blog for me, to write whatever I like, and never to kiss a55es.


  7. I for one really appreciate you providing a challenge each week, Paula! I really enjoy taking part, and am always interested to see the photos you come up with (even if I don’t always say so – sorry!).


  8. Oi Menina. Someone above aptly summed it up: “This is your kingdom”, and you are our Princess and may chose to do as you please. Blogging is a lot of work and not worth “Hacer corajes”. I (we) will support you in all your decisions. Bjo.


  9. I’m one of your three percenters.

    I like what you do now, and if you ever want to change it, go for it!

    As you said, it’s your space. Do it your way and screw the rest! πŸ˜€

    You’re the best!


  10. Geez, cannot imagine why people even complain or be negative about what you like to do here; I think you do a great job and personally liked the overview of small images to see which one was interesting enough (or not).
    But most of all, please dont bother bout any negative energy, just do as you feel!
    Big hug,


  11. Are you kidding me? Someone got on you about a non issue, Paula. There is NO need to defend yourself. However, I understand why you felt you had to speak up. I remember once having to write a post with the same title, “To Whom it May Concern,” to address subscribers who didn’t read my post, before ranting in the comments. One girl had issues with the fact that readers were “agreeing with me.” She confused respectful conversations with sycophancy. Sometimes you need one post and a no tolerance policy to put the thing to bed, Paula. In my case, everyone sat down. Many of the people I was talking to are no longer on WordPress. So, their energy was wasted. Keep up the good work and do as you feel is in the best interest of maintaining good relationships with your colleagues. xoxoxo


  12. I agree with you. I’ve had so many similar experiences and I usually don’t think before doing something and people just take offense to anything… Just keep doing what you are doing and forget about those people that seem to complain about everything. I stopped trying to explain… Like you said, it’s your blog and if someone doesn’t like what you do, don’t join in…


  13. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Still Life | Lost in Translation

  14. I have always liked what you did Paula but I understand why you will stop – or rather change the place where you will collect entries. There are always people out there who will criticize what a person does. Know that I support you and that I think you are a welcoming person who does what is right by acknowledging others’ work.


  15. I thought the little pictures were a lovely idea, but I’m just fine without them, too. A lot of people have no manners. Not on the Internet or in person. Just saying. You’re a peach πŸ™‚


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