Future : the End of the World that We No Longer Know

It looks scary, doesn’t it? Well, it is bound to happen. The question remains: “How much longer can we postpone it?”




I participate in WordPress' Weekly Photo Challenge 2016

I participate in WordPress’ Weekly Photo Challenge 2016

46 Comments on “Future : the End of the World that We No Longer Know

  1. I think it’s none of my tasks , ,making it happen…
    Your photo is really something , but not at all scary !
    Ciao, bella!


  2. I think you have made. This look a serious portent of doom…..the colour of the sky made me think post-nuclear apocalypse……


  3. Your photo does look futuristic- those red clouds signaling something not quite right- but it is quite a beautiful photo Paula


    • Thank you, DM. It is not true red. I have seen red sunsets before, but this is the colour of dirty red, rust. Rusty, dusty world.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Future is indeed scary and this picture perfectly signifies it!

    Though scary yet this is a wonderful picture Paula…. 🙂


  5. The photo and music build such a strong sense of sorrow about what we are about to lose. The end will not be held at bay forever. But it is not the end I look to but what lies beyond and that holds a promise still.

    Liked by 1 person

    • And you have every right to do that, Joseph. We have to live at the moment, but responsibly. Thank you.


  6. I knew I could rely on you for Armageddon. 🙂 🙂 I’m running! But I might pause to listen to the music. Stunning, Paula! Hope you have a restful weekend.


      • paula is it really the end of the world. Because it happens every year… when the apocalypse comes and everyone thinks it the end of the world.

        please tell me it is not the end, my mums birthday is coming up.


  7. That’s an amazing shot Paula, almost symmetrical. That plus the colour definitely make me consider the future. But no so scary that i can’t enjoy it and the music


  8. Looks very ominous Paula. You have captured such a dramatic moment and mood. I am hoping the weekend ahead will include some rest and relaxation.


    • Ominous is the word, though I did not want to come out as a pessimist. Thank you for the warm message, Sue. It always makes me feel better.


    • I am so glad to see you here, Draco. I have been under a lot of stress, but I will find the time to enjoy your blog soon. Thank you so much for the nice comment.


  9. I don’t want it to happen!!!! Doing my best to prevent a tiny little bit of it on my own but it’s so hard to convince others that each of us doing a tiny litte bit can save us all…
    Your photo could well illustrate one of Stephen King’s books! ha!


  10. From all the movies I’ve seen about the Apocalypse and end of the world, your version still looks great Paula. Love the effect and perfect for the challenge. 😀 ♥


  11. The sad and sombre music sets the atmosphere for that very dramatic take on this rather difficult theme. Well done Paula. But lets hope we can pull back from the brink.


  12. Reminds me of an old B-rate post-apocalyptic sci-fi film called “Damnation Alley” starring Jan-Michael Vincent and George Peppard.


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