Thursday’s Special: Think Pink

October being the Breast Cancer Awareness Month had something to do with my choice of today’s photo challenge theme: THINK PINK. If you’d like to join me in this challenge, keep in mind that it does not need to be a pink ribbon, but any pink-coloured subject. Let’s make this a happy and bright post… 

I did not have to go far to find me some pink. This pink delight was practically on my doorstep. 


 “A woman should be pink and cuddly for a man”. (Audrey Hepburn) Does the same go for a car too? 😀


It’s not every day that you see a car on a roof, much less a pink one.

Interesting facts about colour PINK:

  • it represents caring, compassion and love

  • it is youthfull, fun and exciting

  • it is associated with romance and happiness

  • In Japan, the color pink has a masculine association. The annual spring blooming of the pink-blossomed cherry trees (the Sakura) is said to represent the young Japanese warriors who fell in battle in the prime of life (the Samurai).

  • Jaipur City is a foremost tourist attraction in India because of its superlative forts, grandiose palaces, vivacious temples, multicolored bazaars, pulsating streets, and its distinguished pink color to which the city owes its oft-used name “The Pink City”.

  • The Chinese had not recognized the color pink until they had contact with Western culture and the Chinese word for pink translates as “foreign color.”

  • Marrakesh is another city associated with the color pink. It is sometimes referred to as the “Rose City” because of its salmon-pink colored buildings and the red clay of its terrain.

Information found at

Maybe your travels have taken you to some of these cities, or you have found other interesting examples of pink that you would like to share? If you did, please remember to:

  • write your post before next Thursday

  • link to this post and to tag it #Thursday’s Special

  • leave me your link in the comment section bellow.

If you have been wondering about the regular themes Traces of the Past  and Pick a Word, they are scheduled for November. As I have been away for half a month I could not squeeze them in this October.

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Now please click on the bellow links to see entries for this challenge:

44 Comments on “Thursday’s Special: Think Pink

  1. Pingback: Pink on High – Travel with Intent

  2. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Think Pink | Daffodil Hill Photography

  3. I love pink, yes it’s happy and bright and full of optimism, which we can never have enough of. Great photos Paula. Hope to submit something this week. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Pink | Jottings and Writings

  5. Pingback: Think Pink – Geriatri'x' Fotogallery

  6. Pingback: Thinking Pink Over Wenlock Edge: Thursday’s Special – Tish Farrell

  7. Pingback: Think Pink – Out an' About

  8. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Think Pink | A Day In The Life

  9. Pingback: Pink alert | Le Drake Noir

  10. Pingback: My Own Backyard | Beyond the Brush Photography

  11. Pingback: Pink | Empire of Lights

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