Black & White Sunday: Bridge

Is there anybody out there? 

tower bridge night_b&w

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56 Comments on “Black & White Sunday: Bridge

  1. Now that I’m back home, I may begin seeing what I can do with black and white, although your spectacular images make that a daunting thought. This one does indeed have a mysterious edge that takes it beyond mere reality, the reflections especially, for reasons I can’t pinpoint.

    (Given your repudiation of “likes”, you might be interested in this article my owl-loving daughter featured on her facebook page

    View at


    • Hello Meg. I had a look though I don’t have a fb account. Happy to see there are more people that think alike :). I appreciate your compliment a lot. Feel free to take part whenever you feel comfortable, no pressure, no judgement. I am happy to have you here.


  2. I’m out here. And normally I’d join in but already scheduled a post for Sunday. I love this shot, though, the play of shadow and light, the clarity, the smoothness of the water, the crisp, clean lines!


    • 🙂 Your being here is a reward enough 🙂 Happy to meet your criteria, Emilio 🙂 I will drop by to see your post.


  3. hey Paula, the exposure is perfect and the mood of the photo goes perfectly with the song selection which happens to come from one of my favourite bands. City landscapes go so well in monochrome, at least in my opinion.


    • 😀 many have made the same logical mistake :). I liked so much being there on the bank and watching it at night. Thank you for the nice comment, Sue.


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  5. Pingback: Step on Down | Travel with Intent

  6. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Bridge | MARGARET-ROSE STRINGER

    • I am touched. Next to Italy, France is my favourite country and this type of bridge my favourite structure 😀 What a capture!!! Bravo!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh, wow! That’s a stunning image, Paula!
    From one great city to another 🙂 And great scene setting music!
    I have tons of bridges but my B & W’s are not so hot (and it’s not Sunday) 🙂


  8. I totally missed-out on this one Paula. Again, very nice composition. I especially liked the angle you shot this from. It really helps communicate the largeness and grandeur of the subject. Have agree with Madhu, there’s something special about the colour version — I think it is that shade of blue.


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