Guest Challenge: My Workstation


The Jagged Man

I want to thank Paula for hosting Black & White Sunday and for letting me guest host this weeks. When she asked me to do so, she asked what I would propose as a subject and I said photos from my workstation or as I call it the Lab. Some would also call it their desk or home office. As one who suffers in the Winter months with Seasonal Affective Disorder, or S.A.D., I like a lot of color in my workspace. I thought it would be interesting to capture images within that same space in B & W. For this challenge please do not limit yourselves to just your home office. You can take the shot(s) at your place of employment, a park bench, your front porch,a local cafe/pub or where ever you get creative and work from. All the subjects below have a lot of color to them but I tried to look at them differently, to bring a story to them where color is not needed. Challenge yourselves to look for things that normally you would not think could tell a story or have visual impact and have fun discovering that they can.


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25 Comments on “Guest Challenge: My Workstation

  1. One’s work space is such a personal place, the PC, the surroundings, the view or non-view, flotsam and jetsam that just arrive, books, the mental clutter, the job in hand, the things that inspire, raise a laugh. Thank you, John, for admitting us to yours in such telling shots.


    • I had a hard time at first because I didn’t think the B&W would do justice to my bright things. I took a few practice shots then I knew I could do this and it would be alright. Thanks for stopping by and the kind words!


  2. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: My workstation | Middleton Road

  3. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: my Workstation | WordsVisual

  4. Pingback: My Hoffice | Travel with Intent

  5. Pingback: My Son’s Workstation | artishorseshit

  6. Pingback: Collaboration | Daffodil Hill Photography

  7. Pingback: Mi sitio de trabajo | Viaja2Photography

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