Thursday’s Special: Choice (Response to Guest Challenge)


Choices we make don’t always take us on a straight path. – P.B.


glowing lines_cetvrta-1_potpis


Today’s challenge comes from a talented and versatile photo enthusiast Klara Bach. In her guest post and through her thoughtfully captured travel photos Klara has shown us a few life-changing choices.

In my response to this challenge, I decided to go with an allegoric interpretation of “choices” summed up in a single photo. Whichever way you decide to go, with a single photo or several, I’ll be happy to link to your posts and showcase your work on this page.  Don’t forget to read Klara’s guest post, and please join us with some choices of your own.

P.S. See the scheduled challenges page for the list of upcoming attractions. 

The enclosed Italian song translates as “I choose me”. Give it a listen, if you have a minute or two. Happy Thursday!





Let’s see the choices that others had to make:

64 Comments on “Thursday’s Special: Choice (Response to Guest Challenge)

    • It was a quick choice Debs, and a marvelous one. I like the clean look of the photo, superb composition and a thrilling life-threatening situation 🙂


  1. Pingback: Fullfilled day of choices | Le Drake Noir

  2. Pingback: Life is full of choices | restlessjo

  3. Pingback: Choice of Cheese | Geriatri'x' Fotogallery

  4. Pingback: Choice | picturesimperfectblog

  5. So many sources of positive energy in this composition, Paula. And it works on so many levels. There there’s that green luminous line, so definite/ well defined. It gives me the sense of a choice finally made – and then heading off with great intention.


    • 🙂 I knew you would get it 🙂 Thank you, Tish. Funny, but this happened to be one of more difficult themes for me, cause I did not want to be obvious. I love my guest challengers for providing themes I would not think about. How are you? I’m back from the dentist’s and my speech is still fuzzy the same as my writing I am sure 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh poor you. I’m not good with dentists. Otherwise, I am fine, thanks. Also should say that even when I don’t rise to one of your/or your guest’s challenges, I do enjoy thinking about them. Very thought provoking, and that is ALWAYS a good thing, Paula. Your blog has all manner of ‘added value’ 🙂


        • 🙂 That’s lovely of you to say, and I am very happy that you see this “benefit”. I am OK with dentists though they cost a fortune 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Choices: Thursday Special | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)

    • Oh, thank you Irene. As I said you covered it all. Beautiful colours, and some very happy and decisive choices in your post. I’m happy to have you join in.

      Liked by 1 person

    • 🙂 You know Lisa, not many people can appreciate originality in interpretation, but you can, and I am so grateful for it.


  7. I love your symbolic interpretation. It provides so much room to manoeuvre thinking and keeps doorways open. I’m getting closer and closer to the results of my choice, made months ago, for a year in Warsaw. I now have my visa, so the only obstacles are packing and going. I may attempt photographic expression. If not, like Tish, I’ve certainly been thinking about it.


      • Kid is better, so he’s at kindergarden and I’m at work. Just 30 minutes left until the weekend starts now! 😀
        I love short weeks at slavery: one day off, one day on, two days off, one day on. The perfect balance for me.
        The kid will be with me for 1 1/2 week now, so I have to stick to kids activities this weekend. Basically just goofing around, playing with cars and stuff like that.


  8. Unusual picture of Venice. Selecting this image represents an unusual choice for a view of the city full of attractions and shows a different selection of author who wants to show us something new, but still very recognizable. Picture itself while viewed offers a variety of lines and the possibility of choosing which line we want to follow.

    Perfect smart and subtle.
    Kudos to you

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Your photo makes me think of a poem I have always enjoyed by Robert Frost in which he describes the choice we make between two paths.


  10. Pingback: Thursday Special : Choices… | gypsy life

    • As I was uploading your photo to the slideshow I realised it was Toyota Corolla 🙂 Nice 🙂 Thank you, Pauline. I am glad you like my choices 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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