It’s part of many traditions to light candles in December.

Even though I don’t need a special reason to light a candle, this one was lit on purpose as the second Advent  candle which symbolises peace.

With holidays approaching I am sure you’ll be able to find some traditions and share them in images. I look forward to seeing them and I wish you all a peaceful Thursday and a peaceful end of the year.


jupiter najnajnoviji



 “Each of us is born with a box of matches inside us, but we can’t strike them all by ourselves” (original: ” Mi abuela … decía que todos nacemos con una caja de fósforos adentro, pero que no podemos encenderlos solos…”)- Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate





This is my offering for A GOOD MATCH (weekly photo challenge).

Cover Art – Gypsy Flame


“Flamenco is the means through which man reaches God without the intervention of saints or angels.”

– Luis Antonio de Vega


This is my cover for Armik Dashchi’s album “Gypsy Flame” . The attached single has the same title. 

flame close_nv


Let’s see some more cover art.

All Saints’ Day

The first day of November known as All Saint’s Day is a national holiday in many historically Catholic countries. In Croatia as well as in Austria, Catholic parts of Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Sweden people do not carve pumpkins or wear ghostly costumes, instead they light candles on the graves of deceased relatives.


Hope to the world

Hope to the world