Weekly Photo Challenge: BEYOND

If you look beyond, you will see unimaginable beauty.



Versatile Blogger Award – Take 2

Hey guys, I am on the roll here… two nominations in one day – this should flatter anyone – and my second nomination for the Versatile Blogger Award.

Dear pinay e-motion  I am sorry to be a disappointment, but I have already declined the same generous award a few weeks ago, and what matters to me most is that you enjoy what I have to offer here and that you visit me and find inspiration in my posts.

Please, receive my thanks and understand that I will have to decline it again.

We are here to write logs about what we know or do or feel and for me giving an award to someone’s personal place would be like evaluating someone’s life and I don’t feel comfortable accepting it. Nevertheless, I am immensely flattered and honoured with your generous gesture.

I usually thank my nominators with a picture and a song…

And this song and picture have been chosen especially for you wishing you love and happiness for ever.

04 – Cannonball (click on the link on the left to listen to the song)