SUNDAY POST: Black & White

As much as I like green, there are scenes in nature that look better in B&W, such as this birch tree. Some of you may recognize this tree from my previous post Merge,  but recycling is in, or so I have been told 😉

Here is a song by Alan Parsons Project… Click on 09 – Dreamscape

Hope for the Hopeless

I am not into photo post-processing, enhancing or doing miracles with photos in Photoshop – for the moment I am only trying to mend a bit what went wrong in the photo writing process – that is what raw shots are for, right? One of the reasons is because I still don’t know what I am doing when I open Lightroom or Aftershot (Bibble). I am not here to talk technical stuff about editing photos – there are far more qualified individuals to talk about it than me, nor am I a creator of a photolog, trying to place their work to others or will ever be (not that there is anything wrong with that). I am just using images as I see them and feel them in order to express what I think/mean.

If my perception is blue (bluish – not meaning that I am blue) then so be it. This photo means hope to me, even if I am hopeless at editing it :D.

This is not a self-pity talking, nor am I fishing for extorted compliments…. I just wanted (had to) share what I thought. Later on I will make you look at moderate editing of similar shots of the same beautiful lake… just bear with me if you will ;).

Click on the following link to hear the music 13 – Hope For The Hopeless

Weekly Photo Challenge: DREAMING

The good thing is that I can’t take photos of some of the nightmares I have been having recently…. that would scare the bunch of you off my blog :D…so instead I am presenting you a dream come true, a dream of a distant land, a remote village nestled at the bottom of a high mountain I had been dreaming of visiting for years and finally managed to do it this past holiday.

It is not a photo taken by me, but it is my dream 🙂