Winter is harsh this year, and it seems to go on for ever. That’s why I decided to make wintry today’s challenge theme with apologies to those living in the Southern Hemisphere.

The bellow photo was captured in a secluded Istrian village, at the very beginning of winter, when snow was still non-existent, but the chill could be felt in the air, and the colours, light and scarce vegetation all screamed of winter.


©Paula Borkovic

If you want to join this photo challenge:   

  • Make a photo post on today’s theme before next Thursday

  • Link to this challenge post, and tag your post #thursdaysspecial

  • Leave a comment under this post  

Click on the links bellow to see entries to this challenge:

NOTE: Next challenge (Thursday’s Special) will be on 2 February. There is no Black and White Sunday on 29 January.


Healing grace of a true horizon

Healing grace of a true horizon



This is my offering for weekly photo challenge and Jo’s Monday Walk

P.S. This is the last post this week. I can’t seem to find time to post and to view my favourite blogs, so I will take a blog break till next Thursday (22 December). See Scheduled challenges for updates.


Black & White Sunday: Traces of the Past Y2-08

Traces of the Past is a recurrent photo challenge theme on this blog. It runs monthly, one month in colour, the other in B&W. This month it is time for the Black and White Traces of the Past.

I love my town, and the view bellow is very dear to me, despite the efforts of modern architects to ruin it. Traces of the past are still there, and it is comforting to look at them. The world we live in keeps changing, and some of these changes are a step in a wrong direction.  In my images I will try to focus on nice aspects of this place without cloning out what is already there, whether a part of the good or not so good past.


I would appreciate if you could join me for another Black and White Sunday. There is only one more B&W Sunday before the end of the year, and it will be next Sunday.  The 18th December I am taking a day off and the Sundays after that fall on Christmas and the New Year.

I am planning on continuing with this challenge in 2017 too, but there are still three more Thursday’s Specials this year to look forward to. I will be posting the news on Scheduled challenges page.

If you want to participate, please:

  • make a B&W photo post on today’s theme before next Sunday, 11 December

  • link it to this challenge post and tag it   #blackandwhitesunday

  • leave a comment under this post (pingbacks are not comments)

Wishing you all a happy and relaxing day!

Please check out the entries to this challenge:

Thursday’s Special: Descent

First of all let me congratulate the winner of the last poll organized for Thursday’s Special photo challenge contest. Tobias M. Schiel with his innovative approach to the theme won most votes. Today the theme for Thursday’s Special photo challenge is Descent. If you want to participate in this challenge make sure to leave me your links (and link here) by 5th of July. On the 6th I am taking a holiday, and will be back with a new Thursday’s Special on the 28th July. The last two TS challenges will remain free of polls due to the lack of time, but all will be resumed after my break. That said, Black&White Sunday challenge is still scheduled for Sunday, 3rd of July. On Scheduled challenges page you may find more about future events and challenges. Wishes for a happy and peaceful Thursday to all!

zalaz krupni-1_resized_potpis


jupiter najnajnoviji


Please check out the entries to this challenge by clicking on the links bellow:


My mind is elsewhere, somewhere between my unpaid overtime work that I have to finish this weekend, and the pending volunteer work that is more rewarding, and my wish to go out and take photos, but still I had to check out what WP has as a challenge this Friday.

When I saw „landscape“ I could not resist. It was a tie between a Tuscan sunset and a Croatian coastal landscape, and I had to go with my country. It is a landscape – a picture of land, and there is no land that I like better than my own.

Dugi otok ©Paula Borkovic


I participate in WordPress' Weekly Photo Challenge 2016

I participate in WordPress’ Weekly Photo Challenge 2016

Thursday’s Special: Tall

Do you like capturing tall people, animals, trees, buildings, or perhaps high mountains? If you do, show me something tall, or alternatively you can play with perspective and capture something that is not tall at all, but gives the impression of being such. You are also allowed artistic license so you may tackle “tall” idiomatically as in “standing tall” or “walking tall”. Wherever your inspiration for tall in photography may come from, your entries are awaited with interest and joy.


svjetionik u zalasku_crop-1_scaleMy photo shows the tallest lighthouse in the Adriatic, Veli Rat on Dugi Otok island
– click on the image to see the full size



You are looking at the Thursday’s Special challenge post with the theme tall. If you want to join the challenge, leave me your links and link to this post. and most of all have fun!

P.S. Speaking of lighthouses, there is a lady on WordPress that I like a lot who only recently discovered her talent for painting, and guess what her favourite subjects are lighthouses.


Click on the links bellow to see entries for this challenge, and here is the slideshow of your contributions:

Thursday’s Special: Backlit

For today’s TS  I am challenging you to post a photo with a backlit subject.

Backlight photography emphasizes shapes so you will want to look for subjects with strong silhouettes. They may be captured in natural light like in my photo, or with an artificial light source. As always the choice is yours. Just make sure it is in colour and posted before next Thursday.

My photo is showing the tallest lighthouse in the Adriatic shot against the setting sun. There are 45 lighthouses in Croatia, but many of them are no longer needed due to advances in technology. Instead, they have been turned into holiday apartments and are a big hit in Croatian touristic offer. This one is called Veli Rat and you may find it on the beautiful island called Dugi Otok (which would translate as Long Island).


(If you click on the player button above you’ll hear a nice instrumental piece from Dalmatia.)
svjetionik backlit_crop-1_potpis

Attention everybody! I’ve started collecting your expressions of interest to host guest photo challenges in 2016. There are already four challengers penciled in for January, February and March, but I desperately need a courageous blogger to host the B&W photo challenge on a Sunday (any Sunday) in January. Think of a theme you’d like to do and let me know, please.

Bear in mind that anyone can participate. You don’t need a “serious” camera or advanced knowledge of photography. It is all  about ideas, creativity, sharing i.e. seeing the world around us.





To see the participants’ entries click on the titles bellow:


The Sun Came Out on Monday


Fog backlit

Backlit by the sea


Backlit in the Loire valley

Sun Through My Window

Backlit sunset

Chinese Paperbark Maple

Backlit landscape

Backlit a bit

Almost Chihuly

Backlit Gallery

Backlit refraction 

Backlit on Lake Como

Black & White Sunday: Landmark

It’s been a while since I challenged you to post a photo (or several photos) in monochrome. Today I am posting a photo with sepia edit to evoke times past, cause I thought it most suitable for a treasured landmark such as Zagreb Cathedral. You are free to do any sort of edit you wish – even selective colouring, or hints or colour as long as monochrome is predominant (it does not have to be an edit at all, it can also be a photo taken as plain black&white – as usual the choice is yours).

This is my entry for my challenge. I would appreciate your kind contributions for this Sunday. Be well and have a good rest!




Things are back to normal blogwise. You can consult the Scheduled challenges page here to see about forthcoming events. I am waiting for bloggers interested in guest hosting a photo challenge (either in colour or black and white) to send me their ideas. You can always contact me here on blog or via email – the details are in the right next to copyright notice.




Please, click on the titles bellow to see the entries to this challenge:

Landmark by DM

Mallee Flower by Meg

Umhlanga Rocks’ Lighthouse by Sylvia

Landmark by Sonya

Mont Saint Michel by Klara

Delta Block by Allan

Blue Mosque by Debbie

Historic Farmville by Yvette

Wenlock Priory by Tish

Kennedy Space Centre

Changing Seasons 06

It has been six months since I started taking part in Cardinal’s changing seasons photo challenge. This time of year Maksimir (the oldest and nicest park in Zagreb) receives the most visits from its citizens and tourists alike. If you have a look at previous posts about Maksimir, you’ll hardly recognise it, still there are two buildings that I tend to show each month that are the landmarks of this beautiful park.

Don’t leave without listening to the “Human Nature” cover by a famous Croatian duo – 2 Cellos.



Thursday’s Special: Symbolism


Four couples in love, a baby and an old man are shown as bronze figures surrounding a fountain in the centre of Zagreb.

zdenac zivota_pf

The sculpture, whose life-size statues are evocative of Rodin’s work, shows movement and continuum of the cycle of life. Paired human figures are embracing the well, the source of life with joy and carelessness, driven by love, life’s greatest mystery and its ultimate purpose.  


 The central figure in Meštrović’s masterpiece is the old man at the end of his life who is contemplating the accumulated water (the life he lived) with regret.


Ivan Meštrović, the most renowned Croatian sculptor and one of the world’s greatest sculptors of the 20th century, created his “Well of Life” (Zdenac života in Croatian) while still a student in 1905. In 1912 the sculpture was placed on the square before the building of the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb where it still stands.



This post is my response to guest challenge themed “symbolism” and hosted by Madhu. Please see her post and join her for this exciting challenge. Happy Thursday everyone!




Click on the links bellow to see the entries for this challenge:

Proud Kiwis

Symbolism by Klara

Tulip Festival in Istanbul

 Taj Mahal

Il Duomo di Milano


 The symbolic equipment

The Giant CITGO Sign

Wall Art – Little Flying Bears defending Zagreb


Let me share with you a scene from my neighbourhood. I must feel safe with little flying bears on watch.

leteci medvjedici-1


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