Build me a castle

Build me a castle

To make me safe and warm

Overlooking a lake and a big bee swarm

Hide me from people in a tower tall and twirled

Put me on a cloud high above this world.



Sometimes I feel like being kitschy … I haven’t figured why yet, maybe to fight the cynic in me. Here is my photo and some lowbrow verses combined with music that I don’t really find kitschy, but quite beautiful.

Grim Sunday

Sundays are supposed to be fun or at least relaxing, but sometimes even in nature along the greenest lakes they can look pretty bleak.
Here is my Sunday (the last one in October) – no colours whatsoever.




Sometimes the weekend weather can be nice…

I’ve noticed that some of you have no clue about my country of origin, and I am entirely to blame for that, for posting all these pics of my travels and showing so little of my country and its capital where I live.

In the north of Croatia at about half hour drive from Zagreb there is a Baroque manor that was named after the forests of common oak that surround it. Yesterday the weather was nice and warm again so I visited Lužnica. Built in the 18th century the manor changed owners several times in its history. Today it belongs to a congregation of nuns that run a spiritual-educational centre in it. I did not go inside this time, but stayed in the park surrounding the castle trying to take photos of tiny frogs and water lilies. Frogs were too quick for my camera, and I can’t show you any pics, but here is a view of the manor from the park.



Thursday’s Special: Heart of Steel

Unlike Paris or Prague, 900 year-old Zagreb did not develop on the banks of a river. Over centuries it had sufficient room to grow at the bottom of Medvednica Mountain, and was reluctant to cross the watercourse. When in the 1930’s the town’s population started to move across the Sava, Zagreb was in need of bridges. The Railway Bridge also known as the “Green Bridge” was built in 1939, and at the time of construction was the longest arch span of all railway bridges in Europe.

Today, the town’s landmark that leads us from the south of the town to the downtown Zagreb, the Green Bridge stands as a symbol of life on the river, a symbol of steadiness, perseverance, constancy, the one thing that remains the same while everything else around it changes as much as the river itself.


most na savi_colour

P.S. It seemed fair that in spite of all my travels I dedicate my 200th post to my home town Zagreb 🙂

**About Thursday’s Special: It is a ‘non-challenge’ challenge that appeals to bloggers eager to wake up their creativity and show their own ideas and interpretation of the world. I invite everybody interested to join in. There are no themes, titles and techniques set for your expression, there are no limits and restrictions (no red tape whatsoever). The only thing required is to post a photo post on Thursdays entitled “Thursday’s Special: (your theme/title)” (as explained in my Thursday’s Special introductory post), to provide a link to my Thursday’s Special post, and to leave a link to your post in the comments section of my post. If you like Thursday’s Special widget, feel free to grab it and post it on your blog.


Check out the other entries to Thursday’s Special:

Weekly Photo Challenge: FLEETING

An Oasis at the Heart of the Town


SUNDAY POST: People (are strange)

I entitled the below photo “A watchful eye lurking for a giving hand at the entrance of a church ….“

It took me many years to get rid of the habbit of emptying my pockets every time I saw a beggar. It is symptomatic that they are always strategically located at the entrance of churches, taking advantage of the “faithfull“ in despair to redeem their soul ….

The Latin inscription above the door is from Gospel according to Saint John (X, 29): “Ego sum ostium per me si quis introierit salvabitur” (I am the door. By me if any man enter in, he shall be saved)…. And on his way out, he shall meet beggars – this part is not in Gospel – I am not trying to offend anybody here, and I was raised to always help the needy, but I don’t care for impostors, liars, and people taking advantage of others – scammers in short…. People are strange, or may seem strange… Listen to the attached song People are Strange (The Doors) 

SUNDAY POST: From a Distance

I have decided to stay in Istria for the rest of the week, even if it means going back 12 years in time 😉

What you are about to see is a little town called Motovun, perched on top of a hill (hardly 277 m altitude), but that odd summer morning it was bathing in clouds. I opened my eyes and realised that if I didn’t shoot it then, there may never be a chance to do it again. So, here it is … the only shot ever that has made me get up at 5 am. (poor cam and all, but the scene impressed me)



Weekly Photo Challenge: URBAN

Does a municipality counting about 800 souls constitute an urban settlement?

I think so, and then I may be wrong. Sorry WP challengers, but you are not likely to see any metropolis shots from me, not any time soon anyway,  and I can’t just hop an airplane to go to my native town to take photos for this challenge. Instead, I am going to show you a typical street in one of our small towns in Istria (Istria being the largest peninsula in Croatia). The place is called Grožnjan or Grisignana in Italian (it was part of Venetian Republic from 1358 to 1797). When I go on short weekend breaks around here, this is the kind of place I visit most. I hope you will understand why… 🙂

Maybe some day I will be able to move to some of these stone-cobbled streets and find a new home there 😉



Weekly Photo Challenge: TODAY

Never say never… Just a few days ago I swore to a friend of mine that I would never take iphone pics and much less upload them on the Internet, and then Sara came up with a new photo challenge that did not sit well with me: TODAY (or in my interpretation: a licence to post a crappy “spur of the moment” pic).

As I was walking to the local bakery this morning to fetch croissants for breakfast, I noticed another cafe bar had opened in my already busy and noisy neighbourhood, so I took a pic.

There you have it: Today in my neighbourhood.

Please, don’t rate the quality of the photo. I just wanted to show my neighbourhood, tried to use iphone instead of a more decent camera and wanted to prove myself that I can deal with any challenge. That said, I think there have been enough challenges for one day and it is only 11 am.

P.S. Here is some music to make the experience better, do give it a listen (it cost me extra to put my music here ;).

Weekly Photo Challenge: SUMMER

I wish I could say “Summer’s in the air“, but it is not the case here, not yet. The weather has been wild for the last couple of weeks.

Here I give you a few snapshots of summer the way it is in the Adriatic. I can still recall the smell of the sea, the late summer breeze and the joy that sounds of waves splashing over rocks bring me.

Summer as we know it in Croatia….